Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
SUNDAY club +circle & birds |
32 |
SURBHI health club & fitnes |
41 |
SUSHEN HERBAL health club |
44 |
SWISS club +feather |
25 |
SYDNEY club |
25 |
TATLER club |
43 |
TC tour club |
16 |
TEDDY club +bear & circles |
25 |
THE CITI club +face & stars |
16 |
THE CLOUD 9 fitness club |
41 |
32 |
16, 28, 41 |
THE KOALA club +bear |
41 |
16 |
THE TRIBE fitness club |
41 |
THE WHITE club |
30, 33 |
THE india club +idol |
3, 9, 16, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34 |
THE white club |
16 |
TIDAL WAVE club soda |
32 |
TIGER club |
33 |
TIMES VACANZA club & resort |
37 |
TINSEL club |
24 |
TODAY'S SPECIAL club soda |
32 |
TOPGEAR club |
16 |
club |
43 |
TRAVEX club |
16 |
TRIOH club |
25 |
TURF club +horse |
16 |
UITH club wear |
25 |
V & G club |
25 |
42 |
WALLAROOS toy club +kangaro |
28 |
WATCHER7 club soda +shield |
32 |
WINDSOR club |
33 |
WONDER club |
32 |
X XTRA DROPS club soda |
32 |
YC york club york |
25 |
ZOZO-club |
25 |
a-1 super KING club soda |
32 |
air france le club +stripes |
12 |
angel's british club +oval |
32 |
children's club +children |
9 |
classique club |
42 |
dairy club |
30 |
english club |
16 |
english club dx |
16 |
fashion club R.K. WADHERA |
25 |
girl club |
25 |
golf club |
25 |
havana club |
33 |
hotels' club |
16 |
india KINGS club |
30 |
india kings club |
31 |
kennel-club +dog |
5 |
l LIONESS club |
16 |
men's club dry gin |
33 |
pf CENTURY club +circles |
19 |
price club |
42 |
royale club |
34 |
ruby club |
19 |
s MAJOR club soda |
32 |
scots club |
33 |
spade heart diamond & club |
30 |
super club |
24 |
targett JORHAT club +ribbon |
30 |
the COPPER club |
29, 30 |
the JAZZ club |
29, 32, 33 |
uk CASINO club +shield lion |
32 |
wallaroos toy club +kangaro |
28 |
y club |
9, 16 |
z club |
25 |
clubs diamonds spades & arc |
41 |
clubs hearts diamonds spade |
43 |
clubs man & wreath |
9, 16, 28, 41, 43 |
A EKKA +clubs |
31 |
A NAP +clubs & cat |
16 |
24 |
ARVISET +clubs circle squar |
24 |
AYAZ bidi +clubs & spades |
34 |
3 |
ELITE clubs of india +squar |
9, 41 |
GLADE ONE +building & clubs |
16, 36 |
INDIGO LIFE +clubs & plants |
25 |
KING OF clubs |
33 |
LIONS clubs international |
16 |
MAK THE 20TH HOLE +clubs |
28 |
POKER ZONE +clubs |
41 |
R P&C +clubs & square |
1 |
TASHI SPECIAL +hearts clubs |
34 |
TEKKA BRAND +clubs |
23 |
TRUMPCARD +ace of clubs |
35 |
VARTAKI SNUFF +ace of clubs |
34 |
man & golf clubs |
18, 25 |
man wreath & clubs |
16, 18, 25 |
portrait in clubs |
34 |
spades clubs & arcs |
3, 8, 16, 21, 24, 25, 28 |
spades diamond clubs & arcs |
29 |
clubsoda |
32 |
TITOS clubware +trees |
25 |
ANCHOR clucose-d |
30 |